Ready to finally write the book you’ve been dreaming of?

It’s time, word witch, to turn to a new chapter in the book of your life and make your mark on the world.

Let me guide you on a journey to tapping into the author mindset and stepping into the version of you who is a published author.

If you’ve been dreaming of one day holding a physical copy of YOUR book, this is your sign to take that leap of faith your future self is waiting for you to take!

I want to help you achieve your dreams of becoming a published author. That’s why I created this free Masterclass to help you quantum leap into the author I know you to be.

Join the waitlist below!

FEBRUARY 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. EST


FEBRUARY 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. EST *

Maya Angelou

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Albert Einstein

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Manifest Your Manuscript Masterclass

The truth about why you haven’t been able to finish writing your book. . . .

I have been where you are right now; wanting to write a book but totally unsure about how to do it. I’d start writing a book and then stop a few chapters in. Over and over I would repeat this cycle. More about my story below.

But first, let me tell you a secret: your ability to write a book has nothing to do with craft. Craft you can learn along the way. You DON’T need a degree in English or literature to write a novel or a book. All you need is a willingness to learn.

The real reason you can’t seem to finish writing a novel or book is because you’re living with a lack mentality around authorship.

I bet you’ve already heard 1,000 times that writing a book is hard and “if it was easy, everyone would do it.” You’ve probably been told that you can’t make a career as an author and that there’s no money in it.

If you believe those things, then, for you, they will be true.

Here’s a piece of evidence that all of those beliefs are lies. Walk into any bookstore right now. If writing books was so hard, then why are the bookshelves filled to the brim with them? Why is it that so many of the authors you know and love doing it full-time?

The answer is simply because it IS possible.

Maybe you don’t want to make a career out of writing and you just want to do it as a hobby or an artistic outlet. That is fine and valid!

Either way, changing your mindset around writing books is essential for you to finish writing your book.

You have nothing to lose! It’s free to attend!

“Working with Domenica has been a joy. She communicates promptly and clearly, sets clear expectations, and provides great feedback.”

— Susan Farris, author of The Gravedigger’s Guild

“I absolutely loved my book consultation with Domenica! From the start, Domenica created a warm, inclusive environment where creativity was embraced. I've been writing in a new-to-me genre, and she helped me get crisp on the big-picture vision for the book. We did a deep dive on the book structure, which led to some invaluable ah-ha moments for me. Domenica was a pleasure to chat withprofessional, kind, and great at understanding story. Thanks, Domenica!”

— Tanya Gallagher, author of The Fake Date Agreement

“It been a pleasure working with Domenica. She is helpfull and patient. She knows her stuff.”

–– Benneth Peason, author of Trophy Collector

What You will learn:

  • The 12 Universal Laws & how to apply them to authorship

  • The author identity and how to embody it

  • How to manifest your manuscript using my favorite techniques

  • Your “who” and your “why” of authorship

  • Using my archetype, The Word Witch, to become a masterful scribe

The future version of you is already an author.

You read that right. Quantum physics tells us that on the quantum level, there is already a version of you who is a published author. Think about that person right now. What are they doing? What do they see? But most importantly, how do they FEEL?

In the Manifest Your Manuscript Masterclass, I am going to teach you the steps you need to take to quantum leap your way into that version of you. The version of you who is consistently publishing books.

No, I’m not talking about sitting on your couch wishing your book into existence (though there will be some visualizing). I’m talking about getting yourself into the feeling that will attract the version—the identity—of YOU that is living your dream life as a published author.

Whether you want to self-publish or go the traditional route doesn’t matter. The end goal is that your book gets published and into the hands of readers.

Let’s get working together on your dreams.

Click the button below to sign up for your free seat in the Manifest Your Manuscript Masterclass now!

Wouldn’t you love to have a lucrative career as an author? Or just to be able to say “I wrote a book”?

I’ll tell you a little story about how I went from years and years of aspiring to be an author to completing my debut novel set to release in 2024.

Since I was a child, I wanted to write stories. I remember the day I decided I wanted to be an author. I was in fourth grade, and my teacher, Ms. Black, assigned us a book to read for a book report. I don’t remember the book assigned to us, but I remember being inspired to write my own book.

Now, to a nine-year-old, a book could be a page long, so when I set out that afternoon in 1999 on my family’s clunky Dell computer, I thought I was going to write the next Great American Novel. So I sat there and typed on a crude Word document until my story was complete.

I think it only consisted of about ten pages. It was called “The Five Rings,” or something like that. It was about a group of five friends who had these special rings that gave them powers. I was always a bit witchy :)

The next day, I ran to Ms. Black to give her my manuscript. I was so excited. But when she returned it to me the next day, it was marked up in red ink, and the words “too many commas” were scrolled in the margin. That gutted me. I didn’t give it to her to grade. I gave it to her because, in my adolescent mind, I thought she’d love it and help me get it published. Nine-year-old Domenica was cute, and I wish I could give her a big hug.

Anyway . . . That singular event put me on the path to get me to where I am today: a copyeditor who teaches aspiring authors how to overcome their limiting mindsets around authorship. Ms. Black didn’t know it, but her critique crushed me. For years to come, I would open my notebook and start long-hand writing a book. I might get a chapter or two, and then I’d lose momentum because of “writer’s block,” and I’d forget about the book. Around and around I’d go . . . until something changed! Continue the story below or if you’re ready, reserve your seat in my free Masterclass by clicking the button below.

My story continued . . .

To give this part of my story some context, I discovered the world of manifestation in 2009, ten years after Ms. Black gave my first “book” a scathing review (I hope you can hear the irony in my writing). I was introduced to a book that the creators turned into a movie called The Secret, and it all started to click for me. The book is centered around the Law of Attraction. I realized I had been using the Law of Attraction my whole life, but I didn’t know it.

Fast forward ten more years, and I’m still starting books and stopping them a few chapters in. But everything changed during the Covid-19 pandemic. I decided to go back to college to pursue a career in publishing. During a workshop class, I realized that I was good at editing. I had an eye for errors and an ear for storytelling. I knew what the story needed to make it great.

So I began my journey into authorship. At that point in my life, I’d been writing my debut novel since 2018 on an inconsistent basis. Then, while listening to a podcast episode on the business of being an author, it dawned on me that all of these authors I was listening to had one thing in common. They all embodied the IDENTITY of an author. Each of them had a considerable catalog of novels in their repertoire, and they were living their dreams every day.

Those authors had the mindset of an author, meaning, they adopted the thoughts and behaviors of an author, the habits and actions of an author that quantum leaped them into the identities of authors. And that is exactly how I changed my mindset to become an author myself. My debut novel will be released this year. It is currently in editing.

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